Our Help Center

We try to deliver our product to the customer within a very short & specific time. Sometimes it can be changed based on the situation and some special products.

The “Delivery Hero” will call you at least 1-2 hours before the product is delivered to you. So be careful and keep your mobile near to you after place your order from Mammams for avoiding any mistake.

( There is also one important thing is that the mobile no of the “Delivery Hero” will be unknown to you so don’t avoid any unknown call. )

When the ordered item is in your hand must check and recheck your items and ensure it by your invoice in front of our “Delivery Hero”. We will accept any issues which are logical or acceptable to us at that time. But we don’t accept any issue after left out the “Delivery Hero”.

Be careful about our help center menu and read carefully with your full attention. We don’t accept any complaint from our customers if he/she don’t follow this procedure.

Please try to respect with our “Delivery Hero”